Belize 2018
Can't say the diving in Belize or the Caribbean for that matter can compare to the Pacific, but anytime I'm underwater, I'm happy to be there. It was a mellow and relaxed week. The resort really put out a spread on Thanksgiving as almost all the guests were from the US. The first half of the trip, we had quite a bit of rain, but then it cleared up and enjoyed nice weather the rest of the time.
- turneffe_island_resort7
- turneffe_island_resort1
- turneffe_island_resort3
- nurse_shark
- tube_sponges
- neon_goby
- caribbean_spiny_lobster
- black_coral
- neck_crab1
- neck_crab2
- spotted_moray
- mantis_shrimp1
- mantis_shrimp2
- octopus
- conch
- sharpnose_puffer
- whitespotted_toadfish1
- whitespotted_toadfish2
- sand_diver
- midnight_parrotfish1
- midnight_parrotfish2
- whitespotted_filefish
- indigo_hamlet
- yellowhead_jawfish
- creole_wrasse
- trumpetfish
- yellowline_arrow_crab
- channel_clinging_crab
- crab_in_sponge
- southern_stingray
- lettuce_sea_slug
- nassau_grouper2
- spotted_drum
- pederson_cleaner_shrimp
- blue_hole1
- blue_hole2
- hermit_crab
- spotted_scorpionfish
- nassau_grouper1
- green_moray
- queen_angelfish
- banded_coral_shrimp
- flamingo_tongue1
- flamingo_tongue2