Philippines 2024
April brought me back to Atmosphere Resort in the Philippines for the fourth time. I'd go back there every year if I could! I saw more frogfish on this trip than in all of my previous diving to date. This is the time of year when the juvenile frogfish are the most abundant. Most of the frogfish you see on this page are no more than an inch long. As you can see, there were plenty of other critters to observe, as well.
- Algae_Octopus1
- Algae_Octopus3
- Ambon_Scorpionfish2
- Anemonefish_eggs
- Blue-Ringed_Octopus
- Christmas_Tree_Worm
- Coleman_Shrimp2
They live on fire urchins.
- Crinoid_Shrimp3
- Cuttlefish1
Chowing down on a shrimp.
- Emperor_Shrimp3
Living on a sea cucumber.
- Fingered_Dragonet
- Flamboyant_Cuttlefish1
About to hatch.
- Flamboyant_Cuttlefish2
Freshly-hatched flamboyant cuttlefish.
- Frogfish2-Painted
- Frogfish4-Painted
- Frogfish6-Ocellated
- Frogfish9-Spotfin
- Frogfish10-Randall's
- Frogfish12-Painted
- Frogfish15-Painted
- Frogfish17-Painted
- Frogfish18-Painted
- Frogfish22-Warty
- Frogfish26-Giant
- Frogfish27-Painted
- Frogfish33-Painted
- Frogfish35-Painted
- Frogfish36-Painted
- Frogfish41-Painted
- Frogfish45-Painted
- Frogfish47-Painted
- Frogfish48-Painted
- Frogfish50-Giant
- Frogfish51-Striated
- Frogfish54-Striated
- Frogfish56-Striated
- Ghostgoby
Guarding their eggs.
- Harlequin_Shrimp1
- Harlequin_Shrimp2
- Harlequin_Shrimp5
- Jawfish
I think it's a jawfish, but not sure.
- Napoleon_Snake_Eel
- Cyerce_Elegans_Sapsucking_Slug
- Nudi1-Nembrotha
- Nudi10-Three_Lobed_T-Bar
A couple of emperor shrimp hitching a ride.
- Nudi12-Arminid
- Nudi13-Melibe
- Nudi14-Aeolid_Phyllodesmium
Looks like it is laying eggs.
- Nudi2-Kubaryana's_Nembrotha
- Nudi3-Miller's_Nembrotha
More hitchhiking emperor shrimp.
- Nudi5-Anna's_Chromodoris
- Nudi6-Yamasu's_Cuthona
- Nudi8-Chromodoris
- One_Tree_Island_Flatworm
Throw in a warty frogfish in the background.
- Stiliger_Ornatus_Sapsucking_Slug2
- Nudi9-Three_Lobed_T-Bar
- Ocellated_Tozeuma_Shrimp1
- Ocellated_Tozeuma_Shrimp2
- Ornate_Ghost_Pipefish1
- Ornate_Goby
Peeking out from a bottle. AKA yellow pygmy goby.
- Peacock_Mantis
- Ringtailed_Cardinalfish2
The male broods the eggs in his mouth.
- Robust_Ghost_Pipefish1
- Short-Tailed_Pipefish2
- Soft_Corals
- Spiny_Tiger_Shrimp3
- Swimming_Crabs
- Tigertail_Seahorse
- White-Spotted_Puffer
- Wire_Coral_Goby
- Wunderpus1
- Zebra_Urchin_Crab1