Red Sea - June 2015
Yes, the Red Sea! A three week trip to the Middle East proved to be one of the best ever. Four days spent visiting Luxor in Egypt, followed by a 10 day liveaboard and then three more days in Jordan. Can't say enough good things about our visit there. Needless to say, we had most of the tourist attractions to ourselves. Nice for us, but sorry to say that that the locals are hurting and need the tourists back! Tourism was down to 10-20% of normal. I never felt at risk during the trip - after all, we had or own armed guard during most of the land excursions. I'd go back in a heartbeat! Next time I won't miss the pyramids.
- amy
- batfish
- black-backed_butterflyfish
- black-sided_hawkfish
- blenny
- blue_spotted_stingray
- bubble_coral
- checkerboard_wrasse
- coral_reef
- cornetfish
- crescent-tail_bigeye
- cucumber
- dolphins1
- dolphins2
- emperor_angelfish
- giant_moray
- humbug_damselfish
- jewel_damselfish
- lionfish
- longnose_hawkfish
- masked_butterflyfish
- masked_pufferfish
- nudi1
- nudi2
- octopus
- orangespine_unicornfish
- orchid_dottyback
- parrotfish
- picasso_triggerfish1
- picasso_triggerfish2
- pipefish1
- pipefish2
- polyclad_flatworm
- queen_wrasse-juvenile
- red_sea_anemonefish1
- red_sea_anemonefish2
- red_sea_bannerfish
- red_sea_sailfin_tang
- regal_angelfish
- rockmover_wrasse
- sabre_squirrelfish
- scorpionfish
- shipwreck
- shrimp
- stonefish-juvenile
- swimthru
- turquoise_parrotfish
- twotone_dartfish
- wrasse-juvenile