Tulamben, Bali - February 2013
- anemone1-clarks
- anemone2
- anemone3-spinecheek
- anemone4-false_clown
- angelfish-juvi_emperor
- blenny
- boxer_crab
- bumphead1
- bumphead2
- candy_crab1
- candy_crab2
- cardinalfish1
Male Ringtailed Cardinalfish with brood of eggs.
- cardinalfish2
- cleaner_shrimp1
My guide, Tisnu, having his teeth cleaned.
- cleaner_shrimp2
Cleaner Shrimp manicure.
- cleaner_shrimp3
- coronet
- crab1
- crab2-harlequin_swimming
- crab3-crinoid_eggs
- cuttlefish
- eel1-white_eyed
- eel2-white_eyed
- eel3-blackspotted
- eel4-yellowmargin
- eel5-ribbon_male
- eel6-ribbon_juvi
- frogfish
- goby-wide-barred
- grouper1-tomato
- grouper2-tomato
Tomato Grouper- note shrimp below eye.
- harlequin_shrimp
- juvi_puffer
- leaf_scorpionfish1
- leaf_scorpionfish2
- mantis_shrimp1
- mantis_shrimp2
- nudi1
- nudi2
- nudi3
- nudi4
- nudi5
- nudi6
- nudi7
- nudi8
Nudis laying eggs.
- orangutan
- pipefish1-robust_ghost
- pipefish2-ringed_eggs
- pipefish3-short_tailed
- pipefish4-brown-banded
- pygmy1
- pygmy2
- pygmy3
- pygmy4
- scorpionfish1-paddle-flap
Paddle-Flap Scorpionfish - aka Rhinopias.
- scorpionfish2-weedy
- seahorse1-thorny
- seahorse2-thorny
- shrimp1-whip_coral
- shrimp2-whip_coral
- shrimp3_peacock-tail_anemone
- shrimp4-leopard_crinoid
- shrimp5-egg_shell
- shrimp6-spiny_tiger
- shrimp7-anemone
- shrimpgoby_shrimp
- snail
- spadefish-pinnate
- squat_lobster1-elegant_crinoid
- squat_lobster2-eggs
- squat_lobster3-hairy
- striped_sweetlips_juvi
Some Photos from Above Water
- bali_paddies1
Rice paddies.
- bali_paddies2
- bamboo
Heavy use of bamboo for construction.
- beach1
Typical beach scene.
- beach2
- beach3
- beach4
Pretty much all the local diving is from shore.
- beach5
- beach6
- boat_ride1
Boats are used as transportation to areas not accessible by road.
- boat_ride2
- boat_ride3
Dive guide, Tisnu, up front and another diver from Taiwan.
- boat_ride4
- boat_ride5
- liberty1
Turnoff to Liberty Resort.
- liberty2
- liberty3
Trucks used for transport to dive sites.
- liberty4
View from room.
- liberty5
It was the rainy season, so it rained every day.
- portage1
The women do most of the heavy lifting.
- portage2
- portage3
- portage4
- tulamben1
That's about all there is to downtown Tulamben.
- tulamben2