Wakatobi 2024
After a 17 year hiatus, in November I returned to Wakatobi, located on the southeastern tip of Sulawesi, Indonesia. The multi-day journey to arrive there is definitley worth the trouble. Friendly people, amazing food and of course, the diving, all combine to make it one of most divers' top destinations. The reefs there ars some of the most pristine I've seen. Let's hope they can stay that way.
- Anker's_Whip_Coral_Shrimp
- Arc-Eye_Hawkfish
- Blackspotted_Puffer
- Blue-Spotted_Ribbontail_Ray
- Bubble_Coral_Shrimp
- Comet
- Coral1
- Coral2
- Coral3
Lots of wall diving.
- Coral4
- Coral5
Barrel sponge.
- Coral6
- Coral7
Can you spot the scorpionfish?
- Crocodile_Flathead
More crocodilefish here that I've seen anywhere else.
- Denise's_Pygmy_Seahorse1
- Denise's_Pygmy_Seahorse2
- Pontoh's_Pygmy_Seahorse
- Pygmy_Seahorse-Bargibanti
- Devil_Scorpionfish
- Fire_Dartfish
- Freckled_Hawkfish-Juvenile
- Freckled_Hawkfish
- Giant_Moray
- Yellowmargin_Moray
- Honeycomb_Grouper
- Leaf_Scorpionfish1
Another abundant species, seen on many dives.
- Leaf_Scorpionfish2
- Lettuce_Coral1
- Lettuce_Coral2
- Lisa's_Mantis_Shrimp
- Flatworm
- Persian_Carpet_Flatworm
- Spanish_Dancer_Egg_Ribbon
- Nudibranch-Anna's_Chromodoris
- Nudibranch-Chromodoris
- Nudibranch-Diana's_Chromodoris
- Nudibranch-Sky_Blue_Phyllidia
- Nudibranch-Swollen_Phyllidia
- Parrotfish
- Spotted_Parrotfish-Juvenile
- Peacock-Tail_Anemone_Shrimp
- Peacock_Flounder
- Pink_Anemonefish
- Spinecheek_Anemonefish
- Regal_Angelfish
- Spotted_Porcelain_Crab
- Spotted_Shrimpgoby
- Striped_Catfish1
- Striped_Catfish2
- Tasseled_Scorpionfish
- Winged_Pipefish
- Wire_Coral_Goby
- Yellowtail_Coris-Juvenile
- Wakatobi_Sunset