Philippines 2023
After a four year absence, I finally made it back to one of my favorite spots, Atmosphere Resort on the island of Negros. Spent two weeks there in March. The diving was exceptional! I think I took more pictures on this trip than any other. On my first trip here, six years earlier, it rained almost every day. This trip not a drop. The main attraction this time of year is the abundance of frogfish, of all sizes, and we were not disappointed. I already have my return trip planned for next year.
- algae_shrimp1
Also known as a Hairy Shrimp, you can see it is carrying eggs.
- algae_shrimp2
- anemone
- anemonefish_eggs
- ankers_whip_coral_shrimp
- blennies
Couple of blennies peering out of a worm hole.
- blue_ring1
The only blue ring octopus we saw, but it was very active. We followed it for a long time.
- blue_ring2
- bobtail_squid
- boxfish
- broadclub_cuttlefish
- brooks_urchin_shrimp
- coleman_shrimp1
- coleman_shrimp2
- comb jelly-ctenophore
- comet
- cryptic_sponge_shrimp1
Master of camouflage.
- cryptic_sponge_shrimp2
- delicate_ghost_pipefish
- devil_scorpionfish
- donald_duck_shrimp
- elegant_crinoid_squat_lobster
- emperor_shrimp1
Emperor shrimp on sea cucumber.
- emperor_shrimp2
- emperor_shrimp3
Looks like a pregnant skeleton shrimp in the background.
- flamboyant_cuttlefish
- frogfish1-striated
Juvenile hairy frogfish.
- frogfish2-striated
- frogfish3-painted
- frogfish4-warty
Also know as a Clown Frogfish.
- frogfish5-warty
- frogfish6-warty
- frogfish7-painted
- frogfish8-painted
- frogfish9-painted
- frogfish10-warty
- frogfish11-spotfin
- frogfish12-giant
- frogfish13-cryptic
- frogfish14-randalls
- frogfish15-painted
- frogfish16-striated
Lure retracted.
- frogfish17-striated
Lure extended.
- frogfish18-warty
- frogfish19-warty
- goby
Two gobies watching over their eggs.
- harlequin_swimming_crab
- jawfish1
Jawfish brooding its eggs.
- jawfish2
Same jawfish about a week later. Eggs will be hatching soon.
- kuro_sapsucking_slug1
"Shaun the Sheep" or "Leaf Sheep" nudibranch. Not much bigger than a grain of rice.
- kuro_sapsucking_slug2
- kuro_sapsucking_slug3
They were in an egg-laying mood.
- kuro_sapsucking_slug4
- magnificent_anemone_shrimp
Carrying a mass of eggs.
- nudi1-colorful_hypselodoris
- nudi10-girdled_glossodoris
- nudi11-gymnodoris
- nudi12-janolus
- nudi13-painted_thecacera
- nudi14-pacific_thecacera
Sometimes called a "Pokémon Nudi".
- nudi15-kubaryanas_nembrotha
- nudi16-desirable_flabellina
- nudi17-mosaic_trapania
- nudi2-armina_occulta
- nudi3-dorid_nembrotha
- nudi4-millers_nembrotha
- nudi5-aeolid_family
- nudi6-goniobranchus_collingwoodi
- nudi7-crested_nembrotha
Emperor shrimp hitching a ride on a nudibranch.
- nudi8-millers_nembrotha
Another hitch-hiker.
- nudi9-maries_mexichromis
Laying down some eggs.
- ocellated_tozeuma_shrimp
- orange-banded_pipefish
- orange-edged_sapsucking_slug
- ornate_ghost_pipefish
This one has a pouch fill of eggs.
- ornate_sapsucking_slug
- peacock_mantis
- peacock_razorfish
- pygmy_squid1
- pygmy_squid2
- rabbit_sapsucking_slug
- red_claw_cuapetes_shrimp
- reptilian_snake_eel
- ringtailed_cardinalfish
- roughsnout_ghost_pipefish1
- roughsnout_ghost_pipefish2
- sea_hare
Catching a ride or are they mating?
- skeleton_shrimp1
- skeleton_shrimp2
- snowflake_moray
- spiny_porcelain_crab
- spiny_tiger_shrimp
- stiliger_ornatus_sapsucking_slug
- striped_bumblee_shrimp
- striped_catfish
- thorny_seahorse
- twostripe_goby
Mouthful of rocks - cleaning out its burrow.
- velvet_ghost_pipefish
- white-eyed_moray
- xenia_shrimp